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Welcome to the Mars Education Program's Curriculum Page

- Archived Page

Between 1997 and 2007, NASA plans to send ten spacecraft to investigate Mars. To connect students to the excitement and learning potential of this historic set of explorations, NASA's Mars Exploration Program has created a variety of curriculum materials.
newoverviewgirl.jpg These activities and curriculum modules for grades 5-12 will help you to:
  • involve students in questions central to current Mars exploration
  • teach engineering concepts, and physical, Earth, and life science in a relevant way
  • provide a context for learning about both Mars and Earth
  • prepare students for using data and images from Mars missions address student misconceptions
  • engage your students in hands-on, inquiry-based learning

The activities and curriculum modules were designed specifically for JPL's Mars Exploration Education Program by TERC, a non-profit research and development organization involved in K-12 science and mathematics education. They were developed and field tested by a team of educators and scientists to make sure that they are both scientifically accurate and educationally powerful. Click here to find out what makes the Mars Education Program's curriculum materials distinctive and easy to use. There are activities and modules for both introductory and advanced investigations, and the teacher notes make it easy to do the activities with students regardless of one's prior knowledge of Mars or planetary exploration.

Choose from one of the following options -- Modules, Activities, and General Integration Ideas -- for bringing the topic of Mars into your classroom.

Curriculum Modules   |   Activities    |   More Classroom Ideas  |  Mars Ed Home

Curriculum Pages Created by TERC, 1998